This is how they do it.

I am a regular contributor to the CASE Social Media blog. My sixth post there is cross-posted here. When I google William & Mary Class of 2015, the top result is the Facebook page we created for incoming students. In just a few days, these bright and hopeful new students will show up on campusContinueContinue reading “This is how they do it.”

Anybody out there about to buy a CMS?

This series offers advice for tackling challenges faced by web professionals just trying to do the right thing in higher ed. While a Girl Scout, I was taught to leave a place better than I found it and choosing the right web content management system for your campus does just that. Web content management systems:ContinueContinue reading “Anybody out there about to buy a CMS?”

Killed in committee? Not this time around.

This series offers advice for tackling challenges faced by web professionals just trying to do the right thing in higher ed. Today, consistent with the motto Be Prepared, the topic isĀ getting the most from web governance and advisory committees. Many a great idea was killed in a campus committee. True enough, but not enough said.ContinueContinue reading “Killed in committee? Not this time around.”

Do you have my back?

Yesterday, I started a series of posts that will offer advice, suggestions and ideas for tackling the challenges and issues faced by web professionals just trying to do the right thing in higher ed. Today, consistent with the motto Be Prepared, the topic is identifying and training your executive sponsor. It’s hard to go itContinueContinue reading “Do you have my back?”

Be a Girl (or Boy) Scout on your campus.

Two things I learned as a Girl Scout still stick with me all these years later. A Girl Scout is always prepared. A Girl Scout always leaves a place better than she found it. These two mottos work for life, for love, and more relevant here, for those who make their living managing the webContinueContinue reading “Be a Girl (or Boy) Scout on your campus.”

What’s luck got to do with it?

At least a couple of times a month, I have a phone conversation with someone at a college or university who is on the verge of a web redesign project. Occasionally, I also hear from individuals who want to know more about how we established a creative services office at William & Mary. I enjoyContinueContinue reading “What’s luck got to do with it?”

Maybe it’s because I was part of a “web redesign project”?

There’s some good stuff in a recent post by Nick DeNardis on the Wayne State Web Communications blog. Nick writes about a holistic approach to web design and the risks associated with viewing your website as a project. I recommend reading his post; it inspired some of my own thoughts about iterative design and “redesignContinueContinue reading “Maybe it’s because I was part of a “web redesign project”?”